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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

Year 2 Information

Teacher - Mr Williams / Mrs Ackerman

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Nicholson / Mrs Cunliffe

Welcome to Year  2



Homework for Year 2 includes daily reading and times tables practise. The children should also be practising their spellings at home. As part of homework, the children will receive a 'home reading book' every Friday to enjoy at home. A separate letter will go home about these books at the beginning of term. 



Spellings will be sent home weekly for your child to learn and the spelling test will take place the following Friday. These words will be linked to our weekly spelling rule or key words that the children should be using in their writing. 


Home Reading Books

Your child should be reading every day at home. This will develop both their reading and writing skills. Each child is expected to take reading books home and they must be kept in good condition. Pupils have a Reading Record. Parents and carers are expected to sign this and make a comment.


Please ensure that you support your child with their homework by:

  • Hearing them read daily and signing their reading record
  • Testing them on their spelling words 
  • Testing them on their times tables
  • Using the local library or the internet to support your child with their learning



Book Bags

These bags should be brought to school each day. 



Every Friday your child will have an opportunity to choose a book from the school library. Please ensure this book is looked after and returned to the school library when finished. Lost or damaged books will be charged for.



We will have P.E. on a Thursday with our sports coaches. Children need to bring their full school P.E. kit, which includes navy blue shorts, white t-shirt, plimsolls/trainers and jogging bottoms. ALL kits need to be fully labelled, in a bag, with your child’s name and year group.

We will also have dance for a half term during the year. More information about dance will be sent home before lessons start.  



Please make sure your child attends school regularly and on time every day. School starts at 8.50am every morning. At the end of the school day please collect your child at 3.00pm from the Key Stage 2 playground. Please make every effort to collect your child on time. Any child not collected by 3.10pm will be taken to the after school club and you will be charged.


If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange an appointment or email Mr Jones directly.


Mr Williams / Mrs Ackerman
