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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.


Annual Schools Mass at St Marys Church Dunstable

On Monday 11th October, seven of our year 6 pupils accompanied Mrs Jones, Mrs Williams and Mrs Swaby to the annual mass for schools. The children looked very smart and of course behaved impeccably. Bishop David Oakley celebrated the mass and spoke on the theme of caring for God’s world. At the end of the mass each school was presented with a tree to plant in their grounds. The mass was also an opportunity for the school in the diocese to say goodbye to Monsignor Kevin McGinnell. The Monsignor has held the post as Episcopal Vicar for Education for more than thirty years and is well known to our school. Monsignor McGinnell was actually involved in the appointments of Mrs Jones and Mrs Williams to their current posts as Head and deputy. Mrs Jones assisted by our head boy, Adam Burnett and our head girl Tyra Atamba thanked the Monsignor for all his years of service to our school. They also presented him with a beautiful book of prayers to which each school had contributed. We were immensely proud of all the children who came with us. After mass we all went for a delicious lunch in ‘The Way’ café in Dunstable.

Thank you children

Adam Burnett

Tyra Atamba

Joseph Maw

Michael Osuji

Ryan Allibone

Samantha Wyatt

Joella Jude

Month of the Rosary - Ladies from Fr Bernard's parish came to say the Rosary with us.

Diocesan Mass at Dunstable

First Holy Communion 2019

Year of Prayer and Vocation

Diocesan Mass October 2017. 44 children accompanied by staff attended the mass in Dunstable last Friday, meeting the Bishop over lunch.

Keeping Christ in Christmas around the school

Tuesday's Leavers Assembly was a wonderful and very emotional occasion. The children spoke and sang beautifully. Thankyou to all the parents for their support. Best wishes and good luck for the future from all the staff.

First Holy Communion 2016. On Friday 15th July our First Holy Communicants celebrated Mass in school. The children all looked beautiful and they had a wonderful day of celebration. Thank you to all the parents for their support and to Fr. Bernard for the lovely ceremony.

May Procession

Our Young Liturgy Leaders

Christmas around the School

Travelling Crib


Harvest Assembly

Year 6 Retreat at Thornton College

First Holy Communion 2015
