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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

Class Information

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to year 6!  We hope you had a good summer and that the children are full of energy and enthusiasm as they begin their final year in our school. We are looking forward to getting to know the children and having a very successful year, which I am sure you are too. 

Thankfully, we will be holding our "Meet the Teacher" evening on Wednesday 15th September at 7pm where parents have the opportunity to meet the class teacher, see the classroom and find out all the necessary information to support their children on a daily basis. We look forward to seeing you.

Below is a summary of the main  information that will be discussed.



  • The curriculum newsletter will be sent to you via e-mail and will be available on our class page on our website, this will give you an overview of the main objectives for every area of the curriculum for this term.
  • Assessments will be held on a half termly basis.  This will also include a “Big Write” which is an independent piece of writing and an opportunity for children to show off all their literacy skills.  This half termly assessment will be supported by weekly “Big Maths” tests and a termly “Rising Stars” reading assessment.


  • Reading books will be sent home and the children are expected to read daily and to have their learning logs signed by an adult.   Parents are expected to hear their child read and discuss the book anywhere between once a week and daily depending on their ability (the same will apply in school). Children also have access to “Oxford Reading Buddy” which will provide them with a variety of books to read and comprehension quizzes.


  • Although all children are expected to know their timetables by Year 4 it is essential for them to continue to practise regularly to build up speed and accuracy in order to achieve instant recall of all tables. There are a range of websites to help children to learn these.  At school, we use “TT Rockstars” and “Hit the Button.”  


  • PE will be on a Monday.  Children must bring a full P.E kit with them on the appropriate days.  This should be navy/black shorts and a white t shirt, preferably with the school logo; navy/black tracksuit trousers; navy/black sweatshirt.  They will also be allowed to wear trainers for the day. (no designs, embellishments or bright colours)
  • We STRONGLY advise parents to monitor any social media carefully to ensure no hurtful comments are being shared within groups in order to avoid any distress for the children.
  • We use the “Get Spelling” scheme throughout the school on a daily basis and children will be given a log book to practice spellings at home. Tests will be carried out half termly to ensure children have their learning into their long term memory.
  • Finally, homework.  Homework will be issued on a Friday to be returned on a Wednesday.     Homework books will be issued and appropriate pages to be completed will be assigned each week. There will be additional homework tasks set as and when necessary.



Yours sincerely,

Mrs Howell       Mrs Indries
