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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.


Afternoon Tea Party to celebrate the end of Reception Year

We had held an Afternoon Tea party to celebrate the end of our Reception year. We invited all the parents and the children shared what they have enjoyed about this year. The children were rewarded with a certificate and the children also gave the parents a gift to show how much they have grown since September. 

The children made bunting and also made some delicious scones for the everyone to enjoy. We had such a fabulous afternoon!

Parks Trust - We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Mrs Deeley's class

Parks Trust Visit - We're Going on a Bear Hunt. Miss Piacquadio's Class

Seaside Day

Reception end of year trip to Gullivers Dino Park

Minibeast Hunt - Miss Piacquadio's Class

We went on a trip to Thrift Farm on Tuesday 14th May. We were very lucky with the weather, it stopped raining as soon as we arrived! 

We had a great day looking at the animals, feeding and stroking them. 

We also played on the park and had lots of fun jumping on the bouncy pillows. 

This trip consolidated our learning on growing as we were looking at mummy and baby animals. 

World Book Day 2024

For Mother's Day, we invited our mummy's to school. We baked cakes to have a little tea party and we made some beautiful flower sun catchers. We also played some nice games with our mummy's outside. 

We loved celebrating how special our mummy's are. 

Thank you for coming.

On Wednesday 14th February, we held a Fairytales Day to end our topic. The children came dressed as their favourite fairytale character - there were some fabulous outfits! 

Children accessed activities that linked to many different areas of our EYFS curriculum including: Literacy, Communication and Language, Physical Skills and Expressive Arts and Design. 

The children designed and made their own crowns, made their own wands and thought of magic spells, made a sword, read lots of fairytale books, used puppets to retell stories and coloured their favourite fairytale characters. 

The children also made melting Olaf biscuits - these were definitely a hit!

The children also really enjoyed learning a dance to 'Let it Go' with Miss Wendy our dance teacher. 

A fabulous day had by all. :-) 

We celebrated pancake day on Shrove Tuesday. 

The children watched a demonstration of how the batter was made and saw how the ingredients changed once they were combined together. They then watched the batter change as it was cooked.

They enjoyed eating them, choosing from a range of toppings. Delicious!

As Part of our EYFS curriculum, the children are required to know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now. We planned a visit to Milton Keynes museum and the children got to experience first hand what life was like in the past. We think the children couldn't believe what school was like in the past and they said they feel very lucky to go to our school! 

We followed up this trip by looking at how things have changed by playing a matching now and then game and specifically looking at toys in the past. We made our own peg dolly. 

Please look at the photos from our trip below. We have uploaded them in classes.

We celebrated the end of our 'Magical Me' topic by having a superhero day. This covered lots of areas of our curriculum including communication and language, physical development and expressive art and design. 

Unfortunately, the weather was against us (it was a very wet day) so we couldn't complete some of the activities we had planned, but we still had a SUPER day! 

We made masks, capes, shields and superhero cakes. We talked about what our super powers would be, we pretended to be a Superhero and we completed lots of other Superhero themed activities. 

We continued our learning about Repeating Patterns using the story of 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'. We used the large soft play to 'crawl, jump, crawl, jump' or 'tiptoe, slide, tiptoe, slide' and lots more!


Brushing our teeth and keeping them healthy!

In PSED we have been been learning about how to keep our teeth healthy. We sorted food and drink that is healthy/unhealthy for our teeth and we learnt how to brush our teeth properly. We used a toothbrush and toothpaste to practise and we then cleaned the dirt off of the giant teeth. We had such fun in this activity and the children continued to talk about brushing teeth for the rest of the day. 

This week in maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns. We had lots of activities out during continuous provision that allowed the children to make their own patterns. We also made repeating pattern fruit kebabs. These activities also helped to develop fine motor skills. 


This week's Art lesson was all about mark marking. We used chalks to make some patterns.



Crazy Fun Run

We had a crazy fun run fundraiser to raise money for charity and our school. 

We ran five times around the field! It was hard work but we had lots of fun! 

We were very red and hot at the end (teachers included)! 

Lots of our parents came to support us. 

We had a day to celebrate our love of numbers! 

We worked with nursery and participated in lots of number based activities. Some of us also dressed up as numbers! 

In the afternoon, we made our own numberblocks and had lots of number activities out for Continuous Provision.

The King's Coronation

We had a party to celebrate the King's Coronation. 

We wore our Royal clothes and had a picnic. We had to have an inside picnic due to the rain! 

We made crowns, coloured flags and made and ate scones with jam and cream. They were delicious! 

We learnt two songs about a King and read some stories. We really enjoyed the King's Hats and the Colourful Coronation. 

We had a royally good time! 

Dentist Visit! - The children enjoyed a visit from a Dentist. They taught us all about the foods that are good or not so good for our teeth and how to brush our teeth properly. We then had fun role playing working in a Dentist Surgery.

To watch Reception singing Dinosaur stomp please click the school videos link below

Watch our Volcano erupt!!!

Still image for this video
The children had lots of fun building our volcano and watching it erupt!

As part of our Celebrations topic, we learnt about Bonfire Night. We read the story of Guy Fawkes and talked about firework safety. We also made our own fireworks pictures and rockets. We talked about colours and words to describe fireworks. We also made firework noises! We loved making our pictures and sprinkling glitter! We hope you like them as much as we do.
