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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

Star Writers

Star Writers - Spring Term 1 2024

We have been learning about Faiytales. The children have loved re-telling these and have also enjoyed writing about them. 

Here are some excellent examples of writing. The children had to draw and describe Goldilocks. 

The children have tried really hard to use their sounds to write words on their own. They have also tried really hard to remember their finger spaces when writing a sentence. 

Examples of Excellent Writing from Summer Term 2023

The children have been working hard to write sentences independently. They have been using their sounds to sound out words they are unsure of and been trying to remember how to spell keywords. 

They really enjoyed learning facts about the King and writing about him. 

They also LOVED the 'Dinosaur that Pooped... ' series of books by Tom Fletcher. 

They also really enjoyed reading 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy and found it funny to think of different places that Mr Bear could sleep. They enjoyed reading their sentences back to me, 
