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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

School Lunches

At St Mary Magdalene we provide hot lunches and packed lunches.  We work with Chartwell Catering (contact 01908 615705) who cook on site and prepare fresh bread daily.  There is a wide and varied menu that changes half termly and we also have many years experience of working with different catering companies.  We started offering hot meals 15 years ago, long before school meals was on anyone's agenda.  We are committed to encouraging and promoting healthy eating.


All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.  This means they get a hot meal or packed lunch free of charge everyday. This is compulsory at our school.  Parents order online 2 weeks in advance, most parents book for a half term at a time.  This is all free, a saving of about £456 per year.  Many parents have welcomed this because new foods have been introduced to their children.  The meals are balanced and nutritious.


Children In KS2 Years 3-6 have hot meals or healthy pack lunches provided by parents.  Hot drinks and soup are not allowed in school for health and safety grounds.  Children bring water bottles but water is also provided in the dining hall and throughout the day.  Chewing gum, sweets and chocolate bars are not allowed.


We participate in the 'Free Fruit for Schools' scheme.  Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to a portion of fruit/vegetable daily, free of charge under this scheme, which the children are given at morning break.  The school also takes advantage of free milk for pupils under five.  Parents of older children may purchase milk for their child.  If you want your child to have milk whether they are under or over five you need to apply - please visit

Last Date for Ordering and Cancelling Meals
