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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.



Pirate Day! Ahoy there me hearties! We have had lots of fun on our pirate day. We went on an adventure to sail the seven seas in our ships, hunting for treasure. We climbed the rigging and swabbed the decks, merrily singing our sea shanties together. We enjoyed a pirate feast and we even had to walk the plank! Arrgh!

We have been busy growing vegetables and herbs in our nursery garden. Today, we harvested some onions, garlic, potatoes and herbs (mint, rosemary and thyme). The children explored the smell of the herbs. Then we cooked some potatoes and ate them at snack time, they were very yummy!

Sports Day 2023! Thank you to all the parents who came to watch our sports day. We were very lucky with the weather and the children had lots of fun.

Den day! Thank you to all the wonderful Dad's, Uncle's and Grandad's who came to build dens with us. We had lots of fun and the dens were amazing!

People who help us - We have been thinking about all the different people who help us. The children have role played lots of different professions, they have been learning how to look after their teeth, how to stay healthy and keep themselves safe.

Goodbye Butterflies!

On a lovely sunny day, we enjoyed having a snack time picnic on the school field.

Science Week. This week we have been taking part in lots of science based activities. The children have been fascinated with watching changes in materials as they happen, predicting and exploring different properties and forces.

Hello Dragonfly! We were very lucky to have a beautiful Dragonfly come to visit our Nursery garden.

Numbers Day! - We were visited by the reception classes and teachers for numbers day. This formed part of the transition process for children who are starting school in september. We had a great time making new friends! The children explored numerals, counting, money, colours, shapes and measuring in weight, length and different sizes.

Coronation Week! We have had a lovely week learning about the coronation of King Charles III. We ended the week with a tea party to celebrate.

Our Nursery Pets. We have been very lucky to be gifted a tank and three fish by one of our families. The children have loved them being here. This week we have also had a special delivery of some caterpillars - we look forward to them growing and changing and hopefully releasing them when they have changed to butterflies.

Multicultural week. We looked and talked about the places our families have travelled and located from. We used the globe to find them. On wednesday we came to school wearing clothes from represented our heritage and tasted food from around the world at snack time. We have looked at stories this week that are from different places around the world.

Whatever Next Week! The children listened to the story of Baby Bear going to the moon. We thought about being in space and landing on the moon.

Easter Week - We have been thinking about Jesus at this time of year. Children have listened and considered carefully the story of Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We ended the week with a fun easter egg hunt around the nursery.

Lenten Walk for CAFOD. All of the children walked two laps of the school field to raise funds for CAFOD. For some children it seemed a long way!

Easter Bonnet Competition. Thank you to all the children who entered the easter bonnet competition. Your creations were fantastic! We paraded around the school and everyone commented how great they were. The ladies from the office judged the bonnets away from the children and therefore were anonymous. The overall winner was Isla. Well done Isla!

Mother's Day 2023!

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Wishing all of our lovely Mummy's a very happy Mother's Day.

Prince and Princess Day

Coin Challenge! Thank you to all our families for being so generous in donating coins.

An Icy Day!

Nursery Christmas Concert - What an amazing concert, the children were fantastic!

Advent - Starting to think about waiting for the birth of Jesus.

The children have been thinking about being a member of God's family. They have been learning all about Baptism, through role play and looking at photos from their own Baptism.

Thank you to all the parents who came to our Literacy stay and learn.

On a very wet day we added paint to the puddles and the children enjoyed making marks by riding their bikes through them.

Autumn Time - The children have enjoyed finding out all about what happens in Autumn.

A dark day - The clouds had hidden the sun and the Rabbit room became very dark. We decided we needed torches to see. We had fun looking at things using the torches.

Handa's Surprise Week - We have had a fantastic week learning using this amazing story to look at so many areas of learning.

It was lovely to see so many parents at our Mathematics stay and play session.

A great start to the year! We have welcomed our new children to the Nursery and said hello again to some familiar faces. We have enjoyed getting to know each other and exploring the environment and all the fun things we can do in the Nursery. Have a look at the images from our first few weeks.

Multicultural Day - The children who came dressed in traditional clothes looked exceptional! We toured the school to show everyone our costumes and we had food from around the world at snack time.

Sports Day! The children took part in four different races. The running race, egg and spoon race, bean bag balancing race and the dressing up race. The children were fantastic and we had a lovely time. Thank you to all the families who came along to watch and support the children.

Robot Week. This week we have been learning about robots. We thought about how robots help us, how they move and what they are made from. The best part of the week has to be when we ordered a Starship robot to deliver us some food. We ordered bread and cheese spread to make sandwiches with. The children learnt about the route the robot would take and we considered how this technology might work. We were very excited when the robot arrived! The children enjoyed junk modelling their own robot or creation. Catherine and the children also made a Starship robot using the junk modelling.

Den Day! We were joined by some of the Dads for a fantastic morning of den building. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the dens looked amazing.

People who help us - We have been learning all about the different jobs that people do and how they can help us in our lives. On Thursday 10th June we were very lucky to have a visit from a dentist, the children found out all about what kind of foods and drinks are good and bad for their teeth and how to brush their teeth the right way. The children were each given teeth care goody bag to take home.

Phonics - This week we have been learning the bouncy sounds 'o', 'c' and 'k'

Celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022! - We have had a fantastic week learning about the Queen and her family. We opened a special letter that we received from Windsor Castle, Mrs Ledger was very excited! We wrote some invitations to our party. We had a lovely tea party where we ate cucumber sandwiches, jam sandwiches and cake off of real china plates. We ended the week with a special day where we dressed as a Royal. The highlight of the week was the song we learnt written especially for the Jubilee.

'Happy Royal Jubilee' Song!

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The children have learnt a new song to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022.

Watching our caterpillars grow! The children have been eagerly watching the caterpillars every day to see how they have grown and changed. It was very exciting to observe the caterpillars changing into cocoons and then emerging as beautiful butterflies. On Friday 27th May we said goodbye to the butterflies, releasing them into the wild.

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Story Time! - Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our story time.

Phonics! This week we have recapped all the sounds that we have learnt so far. We also learnt the new bouncy sound 'g'

Noah's Ark! - During the week beginning 16th May 2022 we have been learning the Bible story 'Noah's Ark'.

Week beginning 9th May 2022 - We have continued learning about minibeasts this week.

Phonics - This week we have been learning the bouncy sounds 'd' and 't'

Week beginning 3rd May 2022 - We have started to think about the wonderful world of minibeasts. The Children were excited for the arrival of our Caterpillars and Tadpoles. They have learnt about life cycles and discovered the big word 'metamorphosis'. The children have enjoyed all the themed activities. What a lovely busy week!

Phonics - This week we have been learning the stretchy sound 's'

Week commencing 25th April - We have fitted in so much this week. We started the week by welcoming the Mum's and Dad's to join us for a counting stay and play session. Thank you to those who stayed. We have been enjoying seeing what happens during various experiments for science week and we have started to learn about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

Whatever Next! - We have been listening to the story 'Whatever Next!' by Jill Murphey. The children enjoyed making the sounds from the book and learning about the phases of the moon. The children also found out about the first person to walk on the moon and they even role played going to the moon just like the bear in the story.

Phonics - This week we have been learning the stretchy sound 'm' and the bouncy sound 'a'

Our walk around the local area. We went for a lovely walk, in groups, around the local area. We were looking for shapes and numbers. We were surprised how many shapes we can see when we are out walking. We also spotted blossom on the trees which was falling like snow. We found numbers on doors, on walls, on cars and on buses. We also took the opportunity to think about road safety.

Easter Fun! The Children went on an egg hunt in Nursery. We each counted how many eggs we had found.

Holy Week!

Thank you to all the Mummy's that came to listen to a story, our lovely 'I love you Mummy' song, join in with dough disco, play tea parties and to play in the garden. We had such a fun morning!

RE Gathering Topic - We have been thinking about how people gather together at Church to listen to the word of God. Here are some images of us pretending to be at Mass.

This week we have been thinking about Growing. We have seen how plants grow. First with a root then with a shoot. We planted some cress to see how quickly this grows. We played Garden Centres and made some lovely paintings inspired by the Forsythia which is growing in the Nursery garden. We also thought how people grow from babies into children.

Art Week and Book Focus! This week we have been inspired by the story 'The Secret of Black Rock' by Joe Todd-Stanton. We have been investigating the sea and the creatures who live there. We have painted fish, investigated real fish, made bottle fish, Jelly fish and on Friday we dressed as characters from the story.

Farm Visit - Today we had a visit from Ark Farm. The children had the opportunity to pet and look up close some sheep, goats, a dog, rabbits a donkey and a pig. The children behaved beautifully remembering that the animals would not like big voices and lots of noise.

Disney Day! The children looked fantastic when they came to Nursery dressed in their Disney outfits. We had a lovely day decorating biscuits, playing with Disney themed activities and joining in with a 'find the Mickey Mouse' hunt.

Woodwork! The children took part in using real tools to saw, drill and hammer nails into wood. They used a tape measure to measure objects and sanded some wood using sand paper.

Shop Role Play! The children have been playing shops in the Role Play area. They used their knowledge to act out going shopping and being a shop keeper. They tried really hard to dress themselves and help each other with the dressing up clothes.

The Year of The Tiger! We have been learning all about Chinese New Year traditions. We discovered that this year is the year of the Tiger. We had fun playing Chinese restaurants and enjoyed trying some noodles and prawn crackers at snack time. We also listened to the story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'.

Fairy Tales! We have enjoyed listening to lots of different traditional fairy tales. We have role played the different characters from the books and explored exciting activities linked to the stories.

Christmas Party Day! We had lots of fun playing games and dancing at our Christmas Party. We then enjoyed some yummy food whilst wearing our party hats.

Baptism! We have been learning all about Baptism. We looked at pictures from our own Baptisms and enjoyed Baptism role play.

Learning through play! Look at all the fun ways we learn through our play.

Autumn Fun!

Let's celebrate! During our topic of celebrations, we have been learning about the festival Diwali. We loved making colourful Rangoli patterns and using clay to make some Diva lamps. We have also been learning about the history of Guy Fawkes and bonfire night. We had fun pretending to be fireworks. We explored the different words and sounds to describe them. To finish our week of learning about celebrations we held a shiny day, everyone looked fantastic in their shiny outfits.

Hedgehog Week! This week we have been learning all about Hedgehogs. We have enjoyed lots of hedgehog activities including pretending to be hedgehogs in a leafy den. We were also very lucky to have a visitor from The Parks Trust. Sarah came to tell us all about hedgehogs in Milton Keynes and how we can find out if we have any of the spikey visitors at our school and Nursery.

More Fun at Nursery!

Go Green for CAFOD! We helped raise money for our charity CAFOD by having a mufti day and learning about the continent of Africa and some of the people who live there.

All About Me! We have been learning all about ourselves, our families, our community and where we live. We enjoyed pretending to be doctors and nurses and learning about how to keep healthy, such as cleaning our teeth. We had fun finding out about what we like and what we can do.

Welcome! - The children have had a lovely start to the academic year. They have been busy making friends and exploring the environment.

Pirate Day - Ahoy me hearties! What a wonderful day it was for Captain Ledger and her Pirate Crew. The pirates searched for treasure and sailed the seas in their ships. They ate a feast fit for a hungry Pirate Crew. The Children looked fantastic in their costumes and really got into character, we enjoyed walking the plank and singing our sea shanty songs too.

Multicultural Day! The children have had a super day looking at how people from around the world live, what they eat and how they dress. Some of the children came to nursery in clothes that represent their history, culture and heritage. They looked fantastic!

Teddy Bear's Picnic! What a lovely day we have had with our bears. We enjoyed a yummy picnic of sandwiches which the children made themselves, fruit and vegetables, crisps, cakes and biscuits. We played some games and sang some songs. We think the children and the bears had a fantastic time.

Science Week! This week we have tried out lots of different experiments. Some of the children enjoyed being inside a giant bubble made by Mrs Ledger and everyone loved watching the the vinegar and bicarbonate of soda erupt like a volcano.

This week the children have been thinking about the story 'Whatever Next!' by Jill Murphey, it is one of our favourite stories in Nursery. We had a lovely time pretending to fly to the moon in our cardboard rockets like Baby Bear in the story. We built our own rockets using the big construction, made the moon out of playdough and became scientists by exploring glow in the dark stars with the torches.

Easter Tea Party! We loved seeing all of the children's Easter bonnets, the children enjoyed hunting for eggs in our garden and ate some yummy chocolate crispy cakes. Have a lovely Easter break.

World Book Day 2021 - The children had a lovely day celebrating world book day, we explored the story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. In the story the main character Sophie visited a cafe. We enjoyed role playing going to a cafe, this gave the children the opportunity to mark make shopping lists, pretend to order food and explore the job role of being a waiter. The children looked amazing in their costumes.

Chinese New Year 2021 - The Year of the OX

Author spotlight! - Julia Donaldson. We have enjoyed exploring stories written by Julia Donaldson at nursery and at home.

Fairy Tales - Over the last few weeks we have been focussing on some traditional stories. We enjoyed role playing the characters and learnt the phrases 'Once upon a time' and 'they lived happily ever after'

Snow Day Fun! We have had lots of fun exploring the snow. The children used words like crunchy, deep, sparkly, glittery, white, happy and cold to describe the snow and how it made them feel. We observed footprints and shadows, made snow angels and tried to build with the snow. The snow on the hill in nursery made a wonderful slide! We then went inside to warm up with some yummy hot chocolate and a biscuit. What a fantastic day!

Christmas Party Day! The children all had a fantastic time at our party to celebrate Christmas. Have a peaceful christmas and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year.

Advent Day – We have been learning the story of the Nativity, counting down the days until Jesus’s birth. We have made advent wreaths and completed some cutting and sticking of the characters from the story. The children played with small world models of the nativity to consolidate their understanding of this important religious story.

Baptism – We looked at artefacts from the rite of Baptism. The children role played the different roles within a baby’s baptism.

November Fun!

Poppy Day and Harvest – We looked at how the Queen commemorates Poppy Day and we made poppies. The children role played a ‘Fruit and Vegetable shop’ using real produce. This was a great opportunity to look at size, weight, texture as well as understanding how the different roles of people in a shop i.e. customers, checkout staff etc.

Diwali and Firework Celebrations – The children learnt the story of Rama and Sita, the Hindu story of Diwali. The children made Diya’s using clay. They also moved to music pretending to be fireworks whooshing and zooming through the sky.

Handa-surprise Week

Look at what we have been doing in Nursery

World Book Day - The children came to nursery dressed as characters from stories they have at home. The Nursery adults dressed as the characters from one of our favorite traditional tales The three little pigs. The children became the narrators and recalled the story. The grown-ups acted out the story, following the children’s direction. We had a fun day!

RE During Lent - We started this term thinking about Anna and Simeon meeting Baby Jesus for the first time in the Temple. We enjoyed acting out the story. On Shrove Tuesday we made and ate pancakes. They were yummy! The following day we considered what promises we could make during Lent to help others. We hung our promises on the Lenten Tree.

Fairy Tales and Traditional Stories - Over the first half of Lent term we have been looking at lots of stories. Some of the children’s favorites were Jack and the Beanstalk, The Little Red Hen, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs and stories of Princesses and Princes.

The children had lots of fun learning about Jonah and the Whale

We had a great time at our christmas party

Pumpkin Patch - We had a lovely time visiting the Pumpkin Patch MK, it was amazing to see all the different shapes and sizes of pumpkins in the field and we were able to compare their weight by lifting them up. The children loved being able to choose their own pumpkin to take home and the mini bus ride was very exciting for all.

We have had a wonderful start to the half term with opportunities for parents to come in to listen to stories and build Den's with their children. We have also had visits from two policemen and the school lollypop Lady , Lin.

Pyjama Day

On Wednesday 22nd May we held our annual Teddy Bear's Picnic. We were so pleased to see the sunshine. The children made their own jam sandwiches which we took to our picnic..We sat on the school field to eat our picnic, play games and sing songs. It was a wonderful day which I'm sure the Teddies also enjoyed.

Science Week - The children had a fabulous week observing, questioning and taking part in our science week. We made volcanoes using Lemons, our own bubble wands, we flew kites and the highlight of the week was when Mrs Ledger made giant bubbles for us to stand in! Mrs Ledger said " it was the best day ever!"

The children were very excited to meet Nikki and her animals from the Pop Up Farm. We all enjoyed meeting Timothy the Pony, Jack and Vera the ducks, Flossy and Rossy the goats, Godfrey and Fraser the sheep and all the other animals. The children learnt how to stroke and pet the animals safely and how to behave around the animals. The sun shinning made it for a wonderful visit for the animals.

Bring your mum's to Nursery - Mothers Day. On Tuesday the 26th March we invited our Mummies, Grandma's and Aunties to join us at Nursery. We had a great day making them tea and cakes, reading with them, playing with them and spending time with them at Nursery. Thank you to all those who came and we wish them all a very happy Mother's Day.

Fairy Tales - We have had lots of fun learning about some traditional fairy tales. We explored and re-enacted the stories, discovered that fairy tales begin with 'Once upon a time' and end with 'they lived happily ever after' and enjoyed coming to nursery dressed up as princes and princesses.

Chinese New Year - We celebrated Chinese new year by running our own Chinese restaurant , practicing writing Chinese symbols and tasting some delicious Chinese food.

Noah - We had fun building our own Arks and making rainbows when learning about Noah.

Cold Animals/Places - We enjoyed learning all about cold places, the animals that live there and some cold sports.

Story Telling Session - 13th December 2018 - On Thursday 13th December, Paul from Milton Keynes Library came to read us some stories. The children really enjoyed the books he brought along and had a fun time. Thank you Paul for visiting us.

Christmas Concert - Thank you everyone who came to watch the nursery children perform in their concert. I am sure you will agree that they were amazing and did us all proud. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Celebrations - During celebrations week we have learnt all about bonfire night and Diwali. We watched a firework display and danced along to some music pretending we were fireworks. "Whoosh", "bang", "crash", "whee", "zzzz" were some of the fantastic words the children used to describe the fireworks. We also explored making patterns on the floor using chalk, paint and water.

Parents Stay & Learn Literacy - Handa's Surprise - We had a lovely time acting out the story of Handa's Surprise, we were able to explore real fruits and show all the parents how we are learning and using our early literacy skills.

Our Bodies - This week we have been learning about our bodies, how we move and our senses. We have had fun tasting different foods and feeling our heartbeats after exercise.

Den Day 2018 - Dads and Grandads visited Nursery to share their skills aand real tools to help the children builds den's.. Everyone had a great time. Thanks to all who came.

This week we have been thinking about ‘People who help us’. We have had lots of fun role playing! We have also been lucky enough to have had a visit from the School Lollypop lady, Mrs Goddard.

Science week at Nursery - The children have had a marvellous week learning all about science. We have been exploring the properties of different objects, how things move, floating and sinking, magnetism and even tasted different foods.

The Royal Wedding - We have had a lovely time in Nursery preparing for and celebrating the up coming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The children have been painting portraits of the Queen, decorating crowns and enjoying a Royal tea party with cucumber sandwiches, strawberries and cream. There was some fantastic dancing and we even had our very own bride.

MOTHERS DAY - We planted bulbs and made cards for our mum's and celebrated all of the lovely things they do for us.

BOOK WEEK - We celebrated Book Week by reading lots of Julia Donaldson books. We love the Gruffalo story and made pictures, bookmarks and our own story books.

January 2018 - A Smashing Time - We had fun mashing our potatoes. Now we are strong.

Animals in Cold Lands. We learnt where polar bears and penguins live and "The Penguin Dance".

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - We decorated bowls, made bears and explored porridge oats - it was just right.

Jonah and the Whale - we learnt the story of Jonah and made Whales. We played inside a whale's tummy.

Our Parish Family - We have been learning about our parish family and how we celebrate together.

The Three Little Pigs - We had lots of fun learning the story of the three little pigs. We built houses made of straw and sticks and bricks.

Mark making

Baptism 2017 - For our RE topic we have been thinking about babies and the rite of Baptism

Growing Summer 2017

Palm Sunday and New Life
