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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

Class Information

Welcome to Reception 



Meet our Team


Teachers - Miss Piacquadio, Miss Dalton and Mrs Deeley.

Teaching Assistants - Mr Machin (JP), Miss Harvey (JP), Mrs Williams (JD/LD) and Mrs Sulima (JD/LD).


Important time table information


  • We visit the library every Wednesday. Please ensure your child's book is in their bookbag on this day.
  • Our P.E. day is Friday. PE kit consists of navy shorts (no logo) and white round neck t-shirt. These can be purchased from the school uniform shop. Please make sure it is all clearly labelled! We also ask that your child has PE shoes in their PE bag. These can be black plimsolls or trainers that they can keep in their bag at school. Please put your your child's PE kit in a drawstring bag that is labelled with their name. 
  • Please practise dressing and undressing at home. 


Information about reading


Your child will be sent home with a reading book and a reading record. Please read with your child every night at home and write a short comment in their record. Please make sure this book comes back to school every day. Your child will also be given a pack of keywords which your child will need to learn to read by sight. These words are really important in order to support the children with their reading and writing.




In school we follow the phonics scheme Read Write Inc. More information can be found in our Phonics Room.




Homework will be sent home on a Friday and is to be returned the following Thursday. Homework will be a consolidation of the sounds we have learnt that week in school. At the top of the page we ask that your child finds three things in the house that begin with the sound on the page. 

Then they need to trace carefully over the dotted letters and then they need to try and write the sound by themselves a few times underneath. 

Finally, we would like you to ask your child the question at the bottom and scribe their answers. 

We ask that you child writes in pencil to complete any homework tasks. We have sent a pencil home in their blue folder. 


Please feel free to write any comments on the homework about how you feel your child has done. 




We follow a cursive style of handwriting starting in Reception. 

Here is a link to a useful webpage that has information for parents and some short animations that show you how to form each letter correctly. 



House Saints 


Each child is allocated to a different house ( we will inform you which house your child is in). On their saints feast day your child can wear their own clothes to school.



  • Water bottles - Your child should bring a CLEAR  see through water bottle to school everyday. Please make sure that they only contain water and NO JUICE. Bottles should be clearly labelled with your childs name.
  • Labelling all uniform - Please make sure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled. This should also include hats, gloves, shoes etc.



Thank you for your support. We look forward to coming year and working with you all. If you have any questions or queries please speak to a member of our Reception Team.
