Class Information
Welcome to our class page. I hope you find all the pages useful and informative. If there is anything else you would like to know, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our P.E lesson will take place on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has the correct kit and that each individual item is clearly named.
Your child will receive a piece of literacy, numeracy and sometimes other pieces of homework each week.
Encourage your child to work independently on their homework. Don’t just give them answers, but if they need hints or reminders for how to do the work, this can help them to learn. Please feel free email me any questions regarding the children’s homework.
Please encourage your child to use our online platforms such as Times Tables Rockstars and SPAG Monsters.
Learning logs
Learning logs will be sent home every half term. This is done in place of the normal, weekly homework and should be 2 pages long. This requires a mixture of text and images. The best learning logs will have a creative layout and individual style.
Children will work on their spellings in school. Words will be taken from the ‘Get Spelling’ scheme and from their work books.
Every week the children will have a spelling test on Fridays. They will have 10 words to learn: 5 focusing on the spelling pattern we have been studying in class, the other 5 taken from the Year 5/6 Keywords List outlined in the National Curriculum. For a list of these Keywords please see the class main page.
Times Tables
Please practise your child’s times tables with them every day if they are still uncertain. In year 3 pupils learned the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. In year 4 pupils worked on the: 11s, 6s, 9s, 12s and finally 7s. Pupils should know all tables by the end of year 4.
Your child has been given a school reading book. Please read as much as possible with your child each day, talk and ask questions about the book to check their understanding and comment in their record book. Reading books and records need to be brought into school each day.
The children are more than welcome to read books from home alongside their school reading book, providing they are at suitable level and content.
Mr Thonet