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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

French Trip Day 2

Bonjour! Everyone slept really well last night. We had a filling breakfast and are now looking forward to our visit to the amazing fortress/abbey of Mont Saint Michel🏰


We've just got back from visiting Mont Saint Michel. There were a lot of steps, but it was worth it for the amazing views from the top and the incredible fortress/abbey itself! The photos show just why it's known as one of the 'Wonders of the Western World!'


After stopping for a picnic, we then visited the Huisnes-sur-Mer German war cemeteries. The children were very respectful during the visit and will be able to compare this cemetery to the American Military Cemetery on the final day.


We're back at the chateau and the children had supper, and a fun end of the day. We listened to some excellent singing, and there was also some 'alternative' singing too! Everyone then had a lovely time outside playing. The children are now in bed sleeping, ready for another great day tomorrow! Bonne nuit!
