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St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Love.

Class Information

Welcome to Year 4


Welcome to our class page. We hope you find all the pages useful and informative. If there is anything else you would like to know, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


About Homework

Your child will receive homework each week. This homework will be set on a Friday and will be expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. Encourage your child to work independently on their homework. Please feel free email any questions regarding the children’s homework. Homework is to be completed in the children’s homework books, to a standard that reflects their work in class.


Learning logs

Learning logs will be sent home every half term. This is done in place of the normal, weekly homework and should be 2 pages in length. This does not mean two whole pages of writing, or information copied from the internet. The best learning logs will be creatively presented with an interesting layout. 



Children will work on their spellings in school and we encourage them to do the same at home. Words will be taken from the ‘Get Spelling’ scheme that we use in school. At the beginning of each two-week unit,  they will get a list of words to learn at home and will be continuously tested on during these two weeks at school.


Times Tables

All pupils are expected to know all of their times tables by the end of Year 4. The children are required by the government to take the Multiplication Check at the end of the year. Therefore, times tables are an important part of both home and school learning.



Your child will choose a school reading book. They can read this alongside   other books of their choosing. Reading to your child can be just as beneficial as hearing them read at any age. We encourage you to do so.

Please read as much as possible with your child each day.


With kind regards


Mr Jones, Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Kiely.

