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Class Information

Welcome to Year 1


Teachers - Mrs Sinnett and Mrs Burton

Teaching Assistant - Mrs E Sibley and Mrs Da Costa

The curriculum

The curriculum includes; phonics, literacy, numeracy, RE, science, topic (history and geography), computing, music and P.E.

Literacy will include a balance of reading, writing and grammar. We will be putting in lots of effort to equip children with good knowledge of phonics to further improve their reading and writing skills.

In numeracy will continue to build on the skills developed in reception. We will be introducing Big Maths sessions and weekly challenges.

Further information regarding the curriculum will be in our Curriculum Newsletter which will be updated termly. This will provide you with details of specific topics and skills that will be covered during that term.

Homework and Spellings

Your child will receive homework every Friday. Their weekly homework will consist of a piece of literacy or numeracy. To allow time to mark the homework and give any feedback, we ask that the homework is completed by the following Wednesday. The homework will be based on content covered in class that week.

Each week children will be given a set of words to learn at home. They will be tested every Friday.

Learning Logs will be sent home once every half term for the children to complete two pages about a given subject. We encourage you to take an active interest in your child’s homework.


Reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do to help them learn. Your child will receive a school reading book to take home. We ask that you read with your child every day and make a short note in their reading diary.


Year 1 will have their PE on Monday or Tuesday.  Please ensure that they bring the correct kit on this day. This consists of blue shorts, white t-shirt and trainers. As per the letter you received from Mrs Jones, your child can wear black/grey jogging bottoms and school jumper/cardigan over their PE kits.


To ensure safety of children, parents and staff at the end of the school day, I ask that you email the school office ( ) if you need to pass any information onto us. I will do everything we can to ensure your child is happy and successful this year. 

I wish to thank you for your continued support

Yours sincerely,


Mrs Sinnett and Mrs Burton