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Who's Who

St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School is a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided School.

The school is under the trusteeship of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Northampton.


The Bishop of Northampton

The Rt Rev David Oakley

Bishop’s House

Marriott Street



Tel: 01604 715635


The Chair of Governors

Mrs Laura Maw


The Headteacher

Mrs Rosemarie Jones

Meet our Staff

Mrs R Jones - Headteacher
Mrs K Williams -
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs S Messina - 
Assistant Headteacher / Year 5 teacher
Mr O Jones -
Assistant Headteacher / Year 4 teacher
Mrs C Ledger -
Early Years Lead/
Miss P Best -
Reception teacher
Mrs L Deeley -
Reception teacher
Miss J Dalton -
Reception teacher
Mrs A Sinnett -
Year 1 teacher
Mrs G Burton -
Year 1 teacher
Mrs J Jacobs -
Year 2 teacher
Mr G Thonet -
Year 2 teacher/
KS1 Lead
Mrs C Kiely -
Year 3 teacher
Mr J Houghton -
Year 3 teacher
Mr L Williams - 
Year 4/5 teacher/
KS2 Lead
Ms Reid -
Year 6 teacher
Mrs Indries -
Year 6 teacher
Mrs H Dunkerley -
Intervention teacher
Mrs D Parsons -


Mrs C Lighthill
Family Support Worker/DSL