Computing / eSafety
Our eSafety Rules
- Nursery and Reception Pupil eSafety Rules
- Year 1 and 2 Pupil eSafety Rules
- Year 3 to 6 Pupil eSafety Rules
Stay Safe Online with the 5 SMART Rules!
SMART eSafety poster gallery
Safer Internet Day
We had a very successful Safer Internet Day! Pupils learnt a lot during the eSafety assemblies, which also included a variety of performances of eSafety playscripts that Y5 children had written! Photos of our eSafety playwrights (in front of the slideshows that they made) and actors can be seen above. Pupils also did eSafety activities in class and parents were sent Safer Internet Day activity and information packs. Remember to always be SMART online!
eSafety sites and games
Thinkuknow Reception and KS1 (years 1 to 2) A great eSafety site! The 4 to 7 year old site has good tips on how to stay safe! Includes videos, activities and advice!
Purple Mash eSafety for KS1 and KS2 (years 1 to 6) In the 'Computing' area, Purple Mash has an 'Online Safety' section with lots of eSafety videos and activities which you can save in your class folder. If you do a great job, we might be able to use your great work on the website!
Interland Game for KS2 (years 3 to 6) Interland is a game designed to help you learn all about eSafety. Play your way to Internet Awesome in a quest to deny hackers, sink phishers, one-up cyberbullies, outsmart oversharers and become safe, confident explorers of the online world. The four lands and their key learning objectives are: Reality River - Don’t Fall for Fake, Mindful Mountain - Share with Care, Kind Kingdom - It’s cool to be kind and Tower of Treasure Secure your secrets.
Thinkuknow KS2 (years 3 to 6) A great eSafety site! The 8 to 10 year old site has the 'Band Runner' cartoon and game. Also includes videos activites and advice!
Childnet and the SMART Crew for KS2 (years 3 to 6) This activity zone has the answers to lots of eSafety questions you may have. The SMART section also has the SMART crew cartoons and quizzes (for 7 to 11 year olds).
Computing sites and games
Purple Mash activities for children from nursery to year 6 Purple Mash has range of great computing apps that are used in school. Have a look at them in the 'computing' section.
Barefoot Home Learning Acitivites for Age Groups from Nursery to Year 6 This site has interactive games (at the bottom), and also learning together activities that you can do with an adult.
BBC computing for KS1 (years 1 and 2) Lots of videos, games and activities! Includes an eSafety section.
BBC computing for KS2 (years 3 to 6) Lots of videos, games and activities! Includes an eSafety section and Dance Mat Typing!
The National Oak Academy Computing Lessons for KS2 (years 3 to 6) The Oak National Academy has lots of computing lessons from a variety of topics.